Sunday, April 29, 2012

MT4 expert (FX_Multi-Meter_III.mq4)

How to trade with FX_Multi-Meter_III.mq4 expert

New in Version 3:

* Bulls/Bears Power Meter. Analogue VU style meter displays the percentage of Bulls & Bears over a 1 - 5 bar average.
* Multi-timeframe Bollinger Band Oscillator displays price position between upper and lower bands as percentage, with Breakout indicator.

* WPR oscillator can now be swapped with RSI oscillator.

* Increased accuracy of History Line for historical data.

* Redesigned layout and appearance with black background, means the indicator can be loaded on a white chart.

* Now sits in the foreground so trendlines will remain behind it.

* Spread in points and Price adapted for different decimal accounts.

* Bar % Meter improved by removing grey bars.

* Adjustable display position.

* Audible signal Alerts.

 Forex MT4 indicator FX_Multi-Meter_III.mq4Download expert: FX_Multi-Meter_III.mq4
Forex MT4 indicator FX Multi-Meter III.mq4 Download fonts:

Forex MT4 indicator FX Multi-Meter III.mq4 Old version 2: FX_Multi-Meter_II.mq4 



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